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Botanical Name: Senegalia torta

Senegalia torta

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 27-Mar-2022 08:59 AM

Photo Description: None

Family: Mimosaceae
Common Name: चिल्हर
Etymology - Genus: *
Etymology - Species: Twisted
Ecosystem: Deciduous
Origin: Native
Location: Taljai Hill
Description: Deciduous straggler or climbing shrub with angled/grooved bark.Bipinnately compound leaf with 5-10 pinnae. Lenticel observed on petiole and on 4 uppermost pinnae. Grooved rachis with hooked spines observed on underside. Leaflets are in 18-35 pairs.Paripinnate, sub-sessile leaflets.Small white/creamy heads with violet calyx are observed at the end of the branch arranged in raceme.Brown, glabrous, flat, violet/brown colour pods.

Contact - Mandar Joshi, 0091-9637527026, mandarsj11@gmail.com
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